Our Mission: To advocate to reduce our state and local tax burden and promote prudent government spending.

As citizens of Maine, we recognize that we have been over-taxed at every level of government for many years.
The Free Enterprise System creates wealth and opportunities and stimulates the economy. An inefficient government destroys all of these. Compared to the other fifty states, our tax burden has been at or near the top for decades now, and at the same time our per capita income has been among the lowest. This lamentable situation is the result of profligate spending and irresponsible management at the state level.
For our young citizens Maine is no longer a place for opportunity, as it was for many of us in years past. Maine's young people leave in droves for opportunities elsewhere. For too many of our elderly, maine's oppressive tax burden creates hardships. Many of our elderly have been forced from their homes by heavy property taxes which are the result of excessive local spending.
Maine Taxpayers United monitors the actions of the Executive branch and the Legislature, supports those who support our Mission, and holds all the others accountable for their votes and actions.

Annual Tax Day Event
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Location TBD
11 am-1 pm
Coordinated by Maine Taxpayers United